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La commune de La Chapelle-de-Brain a mis en place un parcours artistique en extérieur, jalonné de sculptures, accessible librement au public. Ce projet vise à promouvoir l’art et la culture dans un cadre naturel et à attirer les visiteurs durant la saison estivale. Pour mesurer l’attractivité du parcours et disposer de données concrètes sur son impact, la mairie a fait appel à Kiomda pour l’installation d’un boîtier de comptage autonome.

Prestation kiomda

To meet this demand, Kiomda provided an autonomous counter, guaranteeing reliable and discreet monitoring of visitor flows.


Accurate Counting to Measure the Attractiveness of the Art Trail

The municipality of La Chapelle-de-Brain has developed a thematic art trail, showcasing outdoor sculptures. Open to the public year-round, the trail attracts a diverse audience, particularly during the summer season from June to September.

To assess visitor attendance and gather tangible data on site usage, the municipality installed a Kiomda counting device, enabling precise tracking of visitor numbers and traffic trends throughout the season.

"The counter allows us to monitor attendance at the art trail during the summer, from June to September."

An Analytical Tool for Municipal Teams and Elected Officials

The collected data is primarily used by municipal teams and local officials to better understand the trail’s attractiveness.

"We use some of the figures collected by the counter in our presentations."

These insights help assess public interest in the initiative and integrate quantitative data into municipal reports.

Visitor Monitoring to Anticipate Future Needs

At this stage, the counter is used exclusively for monitoring purposes, without directly influencing decision-making. However, in the long term, this data could help adjust the management and promotion of the trail based on observed trends.

"For now, it's simply a counting tool for tracking visitor attendance."

A Simple and Reliable Solution for Managing Outdoor Cultural Spaces

With the Kiomda sensor, the municipality of La Chapelle-de-Brain now benefits from an automated and precise visitor tracking system, making it easier to understand usage patterns and communicate about the project.

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