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As part of its cycling infrastructure development policy, the City of Beaune has set up a bicycle counting system in order to assess the use of existing paths and to measure the impact of new developments. This monitoring is essential for: quantifying attendance before and after a project in order to assess its effectiveness, justify grant applications to the DREAL (Regional Directorate for Environment, Development and Housing), which requires comparative data before and after development, optimizing investment planning by identifying changes in flows and adjusting infrastructures according to real needs. The city therefore needed a reliable solution that was easy to deploy and adapted to urban environments, to ensure accurate and continuous monitoring of bicycle traffic.

Prestation kiomda

To meet these challenges, Kiomda provided an autonomous and non-intrusive counting solution, allowing continuous collection and comparative analysis of cycling flows.


Valuable Data to Assess the Impact of Cycling Infrastructure

The City of Beaune uses Kiomda counters as part of its initiatives to develop and improve cycling infrastructure. The objective is twofold:

Measure attendance before a project to justify its relevance.
Evaluate the impact after implementation to track user flow evolution and adjust infrastructure if necessary.

"All projects where the counters were used showed a significant increase in attendance after the bike lanes were developed."

This monitoring provides a clear and precise overview of the effectiveness of investments in active mobility.

A Key Tool for Justifying Grant Applications

The collected data is presented to the DREAL (Regional Directorate for Environment, Planning, and Housing) to support grant applications for new projects.

"The DREAL requires a comparison of attendance before and after infrastructure development. We use previous project data to demonstrate usage gains and justify new applications."

The figures are integrated into reports and presentations, proving the positive impact of cycling infrastructure and facilitating the acquisition of additional funding.

Data-Driven Decisions for Optimized Infrastructure Planning

By analyzing user trends, the City of Beaune can optimize and recalibrate its funding requests, ensuring efficient resource allocation based on actual traffic patterns.

"This information allowed us to optimize or adjust our funding requests."

Considering the Impact of High Temperatures on Counting Accuracy

One concern raised is the effect of high urban temperatures on thermal detection technology. During heatwaves, heat reflection from walls and pavement can affect detection accuracy, leading to questions about data reliability during extreme conditions.

"We need to carefully consider where to place the counters to prevent ambient heat from matching body heat."

This highlights the importance of sensor placement to optimize accuracy, particularly in extreme climate conditions.

A Strategic Tool for Promoting Active Mobility

With Kiomda counters, the City of Beaune has a reliable analytical tool to:
Monitor the evolution of cycling traffic
Measure project impact
Support funding requests

This enables data-driven decision-making, ensuring the efficient development of cycling infrastructure.

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