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The SIVOM du Born is an intermunicipal syndicate responsible for waste collection and treatment across a territory of 13 municipalities. It manages waste services for 58,135 permanent residents, a number that rises to 72,399 when including secondary residences.

Prestation kiomda

Supply and maintenance of a vehicle counting box to monitor the attendance of the Biscarosse Bourg waste disposal center. The counting box is supplied with its anti-vandalism protection cover. Provision of a dedicated interface for monitoring counts. The counting data taken into account is monodirectional and of a simple practical nature. They are sent up in 15-minute increments and incremented on the interface twice a day (at noon and midnight).


Accurate Data for Better Waste Facility Management

Since the installation of Kiomda counting devices, attendance management at the Biscarrosse waste facility has become more reliable and precise. Every morning, staff members consult the platform interface to track visitor numbers from the previous day and analyze traffic flow by time slot.

This data is essential for adjusting operating hours between winter and summer and for comparing incoming waste tonnage with visitor numbers, allowing for better monitoring of waste volumes brought in by residents.

"Every morning, when staff start their shift, they check the platform for data. This allows us to monitor daily attendance and conduct more in-depth analyses if needed, such as visitor distribution by time slot."

A Key Tool for Workforce Planning and Resource Optimization

The collected data is also used to justify staff presence on-site. At Biscarrosse, the critical threshold is set at 250 visitors per day, requiring a minimum of two staff members. However, some days exceed 300 or even 500 visitors, reinforcing the need to maintain or adjust staffing levels.

"Before, we had an idea of the busiest days based on manual counts by staff. But with Kiomda devices, these numbers are consolidated and much more reliable."

While the automated system has significantly improved data accuracy, it hasn’t necessarily saved time for staff, as manual counting was already part of their routine. However, errors and oversights are now eliminated, ensuring fully reliable data.

"Staff used to carry a manual counter in their pocket. It was simple, but sometimes there were mistakes or missed counts. Now, with Kiomda, we have systematic and more accurate data."

Valuable Data for Internal Management and Regulatory Compliance

Currently, the counting data is mainly used internally, particularly by Ms. Bodin, Head of Waste Facilities, as well as by on-site staff to better anticipate visitor flow.

The data is also used to fill out mandatory waste flow registers, a legal requirement for waste facilities. In the future, it could be shared with the Community of Municipalities to support infrastructure improvements or resource planning.

"Today, the data is used internally, but it could be leveraged by the community of municipalities to improve waste management at a regional level."

A Reliable and Secure Solution

One of the specific challenges at the Biscarrosse waste facility is the lack of controlled access at the entrance, making manual counting even more essential.

Initially, there were concerns about vandalism, as the Kiomda sensor is positioned at the facility entrance. However, thanks to its protective casing, the device has remained intact and operational.

"I was worried about vandalism because the device is placed at the entrance and visitors are not identified. But in the end, everything is fine—it’s well protected."

Highly Positive User Feedback

The experience with Kiomda has been very satisfactory, with a recommendation score of 8 to 9 out of 10. The system is particularly valued for its:

Usefulness in managing staffing levels and visitor flow

Want to optimize your waste facility management with a reliable and autonomous counting solution?
Contact us to learn more! 🚀

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